Our Mission

What We’ve Achieved

Craig Park

The Clay Community Parks Association (CCPA) was notified by the DNR (Department of Natural Resources) in December 2019 that its Grant Application for a walking trail extension in Brazil’s Craig Park was approved. The Paved Trail Extension will link the existing north and south trails that pass by the park’s landmark feature; the beautiful old city reservoir. These existing paved trails were built with the help of the CCPA in 2008. The 2019 Grant project includes a new pedestrian bridge that will cross the lake’s overflow stream and a paved walking / biking trail extending on northward past the campground to Central Avenue on the Park’s northern boundary. The project was launched in February 2020 by imitation of an environmental impact study and a land survey.

The purpose of the 2020 project is to further expand Craig Park’s facilities by providing users of the trail with an improved walking experience including more perspectives of the lake’s beauty and surrounding forest and the ability to circumnavigate the entire lake. It will also provide campers with safe and easy lake access. The trail extension and bridge will help Craig Park serve the elderly and people with disabilities, particularly deficiencies in mobility, as required by the ADA Act of 1973. It will be possible for the disabled to access the lake with greater safety afforded by the trails and bridge. Craig Park serves the city of Brazil with a 2010 census population of nearly 8,000 immediately adjacent the park to the east. The park lies near the middle of Clay County Indiana which had a total population of nearly 27,000 according to the 2010 census. Clay County residents are welcomed at the park.

The project cost is $250,000 of which the DNR will provide $200,000 and the CCPA will provide $50,000 as its “in kind” contribution. The $50,000 is now in place as the result of the CCPA’s work to successfully obtain additional grants from Knust Excavating ($100,000), Vectren ($4,500), Duke Energy ($5,000), Delta Theta Tau ($1000), and the Oakley Foundation ($17,500). Additional monies were donated by the CCPA’s membership. The Clay Community Corrections Organization donated manpower for tree removal and land clearing.

Current Project Status September 1, 2024

The bridge and approaches are not in place across the overflow creek. The bridge is now functional with only some landscaping and rubbish removal required to complete the project.

 Forest Park

Charfiz dos Contos Fountain

The CCPA organized the refurbishing of the Chafariz Dos Contos Fountain in Forrest Park beginning in 2016. The fountain refurbishing was completed in the summer of 2020. The stucco was replaced and a new coat of paint applied. The roof was repaired as well as the fountain basin. The water system was rebuilt and all is now functional once again just as it was in when the fountain was built 1956.

The two photos above, taken by Tom Jackson (CCPA Director) shows a young family from Brazil, South America visiting the Chafariz Dos Contos Fountain in Forest Park. They are from the Brazilian town where the original fountain still resides today. This is just another example of the international importance of our city parks.

In mid 2022 The CCPA contributed to the installation of three flag poles at the fountain. The US, Indiana, and Brazilian flags now fly above the fountain.

Skate Park in Brazil

In 2017 after supporting the creation of the Skate Park, the City of Brazil has agreed to take over maintenance and responsibility of the Skate Park.

Other projects assisted by the CCPA over the past 10 years.

Forrest Park Cow Palace Refurbish

Forrest Park Band Shell Refurbish

New Band Shell Benches in Forrest Park

New Forrest Park Playground Equipment    

Other Completed Projects         

In mid 2022 Purdue University, in cooperation with Dr. Fred Berry’s Capstone Senior Engineering Project, performed extensive research to provide the Clay Community Park Association with a detailed surveillance system design for the county and city parks. The CCPA, Posey Township, and the Town of CenterPoint funded the project. The results of the study provided a “How To” map for selecting equipment and setting up a surveillance system in both city and remote locations. The system can be solar powered and can send data off site for retrieval be cell telephone without an external power source, It is also quite economical to buy and operate. The Reolink ARgus 4MP model is now in the $300 range..

A similar system was demonstrated to local law enforcement in mid summer 2022.

A press conference was held 8-30-22 at the Mayor’s Office in Brazil to make public the availability of the security system.

The City of Center Point has ordered systems and have them in place and operational at the center Point Park. Others can be ordered on Amazon.

Contact for more information or to purchase the equipment:

Cindi Monds - President Clay Community Parks Association 812 531-5720

Richard Boyce - Project Manager 812-236-4119

The Clay Community Parks Association (CCPA), now with 39 members and 13 Board of Directors, was founded in 2000 as a 501c 3 non-profit organization for the purpose of raising the level of community awareness for the 13 Clay County Parks; their value to the community and their needs.


Our Mission

  • To raise the level of community awareness of the Clay County Parks; their value to the community and their needs.

  • To recruit and organize the human resources needed for the tasks for an independent, mon-political action committee for the parks benefit, operating with the approval of appropriate government officials.

  • To identify and prioritize the immediate; long range needs of the parks.

  • To tap every possible means of financial support for the parks whether it be local, state, and / or federal.

  • To provide for a highly visible, ongoing, tax free depository for gifts for the parks.